Indonesia Terpilih Sebagai Anggota Dewan IMO Kategori C, Malaysia Mengharapkan Indonesia Bisa Masuk Kategori A -->

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Indonesia Terpilih Sebagai Anggota Dewan IMO Kategori C, Malaysia Mengharapkan Indonesia Bisa Masuk Kategori A

11 Desember 2021

Indonesia berhasil mengamankan posisinya sebagai anggota dewan IMO untuk kategori C pada sidang plenary IMO Jumat 10 Desember kemarin. Pada sesi pemilihan anggota dewan, Indonesia mendapat 127 suara dan ada di posisi ke 7, sementara posisi teratas adalah Singapura dengan suara sebanyak 145.

Berikut adalah urutan anggota IMO kategori C 2022-2023; Singapore (145 suara), Egypt (135), Cyprus (133), Malta (133), Bahamas (129), Malaysia (128), Indonesia (127), Chile (118), Kenya (118), Saudi Arabia (117), Jamaica (116), Belgium (115), Morocco (115), Turkey (115), Mexico (112), Philippine (112), Vanuatu (112), Qatar (111), Denmark (107), Thailand (107).

Menarik dicermati adalah posisi Malaysia dimana sejak tahun 2020-2021 sudah berada diatas Indonesia dan saat ini pun tetap berada diatas Indonesia. Padahal pada periode 2018-2019 masih berada dibelakang posisi Indonesia. Singapura? Jangan ditanya lagi, negara mungil ini selalu ada di posisi pertama sejak puluhan tahun lalu.

Secara khusus menghubungi salah satu delegasi Malaysia yang pernah bersekolah di sekolah Pelayaran di Indonesia, AIP Jakarta ( Angkatan 22) Tuan Haji Rosnan bin Fathlal untuk mengetahui kiat sukses Malaysia dan proyeksi kedepannya.


Assalaamuakaikum Tuan Ron.

How many delegations Malaysia sent to IMO assembly this week ?


Malaysia delegation consisted of Minister of Transport, Secretary General of Ministry of Transport, High Commisioner in London, Maritime Attache, Undersecretary (Maritime) MOT, DDG Maritime Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MOT International division & Maritime division officers, DG Marine Department, Port Authorities Chairmen, Port Authorities GM, all about 20 personnel from Malaysia.


That's a high level delegations, no wonder Malaysia succeed in the mission.


High level is to show Malaysia seriousness to maintain its position because this time there are 27 countries vying for the 20 seats. Next election Malaysia may compete at Category B and hopefully Indonesia will compete in Category A. 

Malaysia is planning to assist the least developing countries ie Africa, Pacific islands & South American/ Carribean via capacity building, ITCP (international technical cooperation program) etc.


Logically every state must aim a target base on its interest. And we are quite sure Indonesia has to fight for Category B as well. We have huge export and import trade as the back bone for Category B.


Agreed. Indonesia is well known now and should take the lead in maritime affairs. CAAIP should play an influential role to ensure alumnis are well placed at the Ministry of Communication & be appointed as Transport Attaches.


There are many alumnis from AIP/PLAP/STIP who are very capable and there are many subject matter experts. Its time for CAAIP to be vocal and  be the spokesperson to lead in promoting Indonesia national maritime interest. Datok Ir. Abdul Hak Md Amin, Malaysia Ship Owners Association (MASA) chairman also graduated from AIP 17.  

(Rosnan Fathlal and Datok Hak)


How many of Malaysia's delegation has maritime background as their formal education ?

RF ;

Delegation background varies, a few master mariners, a few WMU graduates, few graduated from UK universities in Nautical Science, a few graduated from local universities in maritime studies, and a few with legal background.;

How strong is the goverment support for this event?


The Malaysian goverment is very supportive of Malaysia role and contribution to IMO as the guardian with Indonesia on the Straits of Malacca to provide safe, secure and open navigation and protection of the marine environment, also to the South China Sea to ensure safe shipping for economic growth. The Minister of Transport must report to the Cabinet of the result. This event is Funding by contribution of the Light Dues Board and all the major Port Authorities.


The light dues fare can fund such a big event ?


Yes. Light dues is collected for any vessel that enters into Malaysian waters/Malaysian ports @ 20sen/NRT. This fund is to install, operate, maintain the marine navigational aids & for any matters that involve safety of navigation.


Thanks for this spirit boost, our seafarers tend to be a soft spoken group nowadays. We take it as a valuable advice and correction.