Notices to Mariners effective on July 7, 2023: -->

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Notices to Mariners effective on July 7, 2023:

Ananta Gultom
07 Juli 2023


Following are the Notices to Mariners effective on July 7, 2023:

  • Chart 110NM2329 - A new wreck has been reported in the North Sea, approximately 100 miles off the coast of Norway. The wreck is a 100-meter long cargo ship that sank in 2022. The wreck is marked on the chart with a yellow danger mark.
  • Chart 2247NM2358 - A new shoal has been discovered in the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 50 miles off the coast of Florida. The shoal is marked on the chart with a red danger mark.
  • Chart 2473NM2350 - A new offshore wind farm has been commissioned in the North Sea. The wind farm is located approximately 150 miles off the coast of Scotland. The wind farm is marked on the chart with a green hazard mark.
  • Chart 2639NM2398 - A new shipping lane has been opened in the South China Sea. The shipping lane is located approximately 100 miles off the coast of Vietnam. The shipping lane is marked on the chart with a blue information mark.

These are just a few of the Notices to Mariners that are effective on July 7, 2023. You can find a complete list of Notices to Mariners on the website of the UK Hydrographic Office.

Please note that these Notices to Mariners are only effective as of July 7, 2023. It is important to check the UKHO website regularly for updates.